Аббас – арабский халиф, дядя Мухаммеда Абдул-Баха (1844-1921) – глава бахаев Аввакум Петрович (1620/21-1682) – протопоп, глава старообрядчества Али Нури Мирза Хусейн (Баха-Улла) (1817-1892) – основатель бахаизма Амосов Николай Михайлович (1913-2002) – хирург, академик, член ЦС ВДОБТ Анслингер Гарри (1893-1975) – один из лидеров мирового прогибиционистского движения Асбери Фрэнсис (1745-1816) – первый методистский епископ Белов Василий Иванович (р. 1932) – русский писатель Бенсон Эзра Тафт (1899-1994) – духовный лидер адвентистов седьмого дня Бирюков Павел Иванович (1860-1931) – российский издатель, общественный деятель Бодхихарма (?-528/536) – основатель чань-буддизма Братанов Димитр Цочев (1909-?) – общественный и государственный деятель Болгарии Будда (Сиддхартхе Гаутаме) (623-544 до н.э.) – основатель буддизма Бунге Густав (1844-?) – профессор физиологии, доктор медицины, доктор химии Бутс Уильям (1829-1912) – основатель Армии спасения Вагнссон Рубен (1891-1978) – шведский государственный деятель, президент IOGТ Весли (Уэсли) Джон (1703-1791) – основатель методизма Весли (Уэсли) Чарльз (1708-1788) – основатель методизма Гагарин Станислав Семенович – русский писатель Ганди Мохандас Карамчанг (1869-1948) – индийский религиозный деятель, моралист Георгий Победоносец (?-303) – святой великомученик Гладков Борис Ильич (1847-?) – председатель Всероссийского Трудового Союза Христиан-Трезвенников Горбунов-Посадов Иван Иванович (1864-1940) – русский педагог, писатель, издатель Гхош Ауробиндо (1872-1850) – индийский религиозный философ Дейчман Эммануил Исаакович (1889-1968) – ответственный секретарь Всесоюзного совета противоалкоголных обществ в СССР Дернов Александр Александрович (1851-1923) – председатель Иоанно-Предтеченского Братства трезвости в России Домбровский Август (XIX-XX вв.) – меценат, основатель трезвеннического общества «Северное сияние» в Латвии Достоевский Федор Михайлович – русский писатель Дудочкин Петр Петрович (1916 – 2003) – русский писатель Жданов Степан Иванович (1926-1996) – основатель Международной Славянской Академии Заратуштра (Заратустра) Зороастр (между 10 и 6 вв. до н.э.) – пророк и реформатор древне-иранской религии Ибн Сина (Авиценна) (980-1037) – врач, энциклопедист Иванов Порфирий Корнеевич – основатель учения о здоровом образе жизни Иисус Христос – Богочеловек, Сын человеческий Иоанн (Снычев Иван Матвеевич) (1927-1995) – митрополит С.-Петербургский и Ладожский Русской православной церкви Иоанн Златоуст (347-407) – святой Русской Православной Церкви Иоанн Креститель (Иоанн Предтеча) – предшественник Иисуса Христа Иоанн Кронштадтский (Сергиев Иван Ильич) (1829-1908) – святой Русской Православной Церкви Иоанн Лествичник (до 579-ок. 649) – византийский религиозный писатель Караваев Виталий Васильевич (1913-1985) – основатель караваевского движения в России Карлсон Свен-Олоф – президент IOGT Катанов Николай Федорович (1862-1922) – профессор, лидер трезвеннического движения в России Кёртис Натаниэль (1801-1863) – лидер международного трезвеннического движения Ковен (Кальвин) Жан (1509-1564) – основатель Кальвинизма Кокушкин Яков Карпович (1892-1984) – зачинатель V этапа трезвеннического движения в СССР Колстад Хельге (р. 1944) – деятель мировою трезвеннического движения Конфуций (Кун-цзы) (551-479 до н.э.) – основатель конфуцианства Красноносов Игорь Александрович (1923-1999) – русский социолог, основатель 5 этапа трезвеннического движения в России Крепелин Эмиль (1856-1926) – немецкий психиатр, основатель научной школы Кун Леврет – основатель Международной организации обществ трезвости (IOGT) Лао-цзы (VII в. до н.э.) – основатель философского даосизма в Китае Ларин Юрий (Ларин Михаил Александрович, Лурье Михаил Зальманович) (1882-1932) – председатель Всесоюзного совета противоалкогольных обществ в СССР Левский Васил (1837-1873) – прародитель трезвеннического движения в Болгарии Линкольн Авраам (1809-1865) – 16-й президент США, сторонник сухого закона Мальцев Терентий Семенович (1895-1994) – русский полевод, народный академик Маркуссон Аке – президент IOGТ Мать Тереза (Агнесс Гонджа Бояджиу, Болдиску) (1910-1997) – лауреат Нобелевской премии Матью Теобальд (1790-1856) – капуцинский монах в Ирландии Миклухо-Маклай Николай Николаевич (1846-1888) – русский этнограф Миллер Уильям (1782-1849) – основатель адвентизма Мухаммад Абд аль-Ваххаб (1703/04-1792) – основатель ваххабизма Мухаммед (Магомет, Магомед) (570-632) – основатель ислама, пророк Носов Николай Николаевич (1908-1976) – русский писатель Орне Джонатан (1825-1890) – руководитель Международной организации добрых храмовников Павлов Иван Петрович (1849-1936) – советский академик, физиолог Пророк Даниил – праведник, мудрец Рабиндранат Тагор (1861-1941) – индийский писатель и общественный деятель Рамакришна Шри (Гададхар Чаттерджи) (1836-1886) – индийский мыслитель Рачинский Сергей Александрович (1843-1902) – народный учитель в России Раш Бенджамин – проповедник трезвости в США Свами Прабхупада (1896-1977) – основатель Международного общества сознания Кришны Святослав – князь Киевской Руси Серафим Саровский – святой Русской Православной Церкви Сергий Радонежский (Варфоломей) (1314/1319-1392) – святой Русской Православной Церкви Сеченов Иван Михайлович (1829-1905) – создатель русской физиологической школы Сикорский Иван Алексеевич (1842-1919) – русский психиатр, публицист Смит Джозеф младший (1805-1844) – основатель Церкви Иисуса Христа святых последних дней в США Смит Мервин (XIX в.) – лидер международного трезвеннического движения Сократ (470-399 до н.э.) – древнегреческий философ Соловьев Александр Титович (1853-1919) – председатель Казанского общества трезвости Тенев Иван (1913-1976) – председатель Национального комитета трезвенности Болгарии Тёрнбул Уильям (1842-1925) – руководитель Международной организации добрых храмовник Тициан – итальянский живописец Толстой Лев Николаевич (1829-1910) – русский писатель Углов Федор Григорьевич (1904-2008) – русский хирург, академик Финч Джон (1852-1887) – деятель международного трезвеннического движения Фишер Анна Клара (1921-1967) – президент Немецкого союза женщин-трезвенниц Фокс Джордж (1624-1691) – основатель квакеров Фокс Чарлз (1873-1929) – основатель пятидесятничества Форель Август (Огюст) (1848-1931) – швейцарский невропатолог, президент Нейтрального IOGT Форсайт Джесси (1847-1937) – деятель международного трезвеннического движения Франклин Бенджамин (Вениамин) (1706-1790) – американский государственный деятель Худолин Владимир (XIX-XX вв.) – профессор, основатель Международного движения семейных клубов трезвости Чамберс Гарри (1803-1896) – лидер международного трезвеннического движения Чейз Симеон (?-1909) – лидер международного трезвеннического движения Челышов (Челышев) Михаил Дмитриевич (1866-1915) – депутат Государственной Думы России Чуриков Иван (XIX-XX вв.) – лидер движения чуриковцев в России (духовных христиан-трезвенников) Шичко Геннадий Андреевич (1922-1986) – лидер трезвеннического движения в СССР, создатель метода избавления от зависимостей Шри Ауробиндо Гхош (1872-1950) – индийский философ, мыслитель Штубер Вилли (1928-1996) – президент Интернационального союза безнаркотического воспитания

XXII Conference in Sevastopol










The XXIIIrd International Conference-Seminar on Sobriology, Prevention,

Social Pedagogy and Alcology

History of the International Temperance Movement

(September 20 to 30, 2014)



                                     Dear colleague!

              We are pleased to invite you to the 23rd International Conference-Seminar on problems of Sobriology, Preventive Measures, Social Pedagogy and Alcology that will be held in Sevastopol (Crimea) from September 20 to 30, 2014 on the topic History of the International Temperance Movement.

  • It will grant you 75 hours of press conferences, lectures, reports, trainings, debates, roundtable discussions, briefings, marathons and master classes.
  • This is the present and the future of social pedagogy and special psychology, sobriology and alcology, juvenology and drug prevention studies, drug-conflict resolution studies and drug abuse prevention, history of the temperance movement as well as other applied sciences.
  • This is the resolution of personal problems by applying the methods and techniques of Shichko, Zaytsev, Bates, Orlov, Grinchenko, Khudolin, Karpov, Linderman and others and the reveal of your abilities and potentialities.
  • This is a meeting of specialists in the history of narcotization.
  • The purpose of this Conference-Seminar is: to study the History of the International Temperance Movement; the training of specialists in the field of the prevention and overcoming of addictions and co-addictions; the exchange of advanced experience in the formation of healthy and sober lifestyle.

The geography of the participants: Abkhazia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bhutan, Great Britain, Hungary, East Timor, Vietnam, Ghana, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Israel, India, Iraq, Iran, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Yemen, Kazakhstan, Canada, Cyprus, China, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Maldives, Moldova, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Rumania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, the USA, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tanzania, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Finland, Philippines, Croatia, Montenegro, Czechia, Switzerland, Sweden, Sri Lanka, South Ossetia, Estonia, Japan and other countries.

Key words:

  • Sobriology is a science about ways of sobering people and society;
  • Prevention or prophylaxis is a science about ways of avoidance of different deviations;
  • Social pedagogy is a science about the socialization of a person;
  • Alcology is a science about social aspects of alcohol consumption.

The previous international seminars-conferences on sobriology, prevention, social pedagogy and alcology took place:



№ семинара

Дата проведения

Место проведения


September 23 to 27, 1996

Nizhny Novgorod


December 16 to 20, 1996

Nizhny Novgorod


March 17 to 22, 1997

Nizhny Novgorod


September 20 to 30, 1997

Alushta (Crimea)


September 20 to 30, 1998

Alushta (Crimea)


March 22 to 27, 1999

Nizhny Novgorod


September 20 to 30, 1999

Alushta (Crimea)


July 26 to 30, 2000

Charleroi (Belgium)


September 20 to 30, 2000



September 20 to 25, 2001



September 20 to 28, 2002



September 20 to 29, 2003 



September 20 to October 2, 2004



September 20 to October 2, 2005



September 20 to 30, 2006

October 8 to 14, 2006

Sevastopol (Crimea)

Larnaca (Cyprus)


September 20 to 30, 2007



September 20 – September 30, 2008



September 20 to 30, 2009



September 20 to 30, 2010



September 20 to 30, 2011



September 20 to 30, 2012



September 20 to 30, 2013



This Conference-Seminar is useful for those whose success and effectiveness in the formation of a sober, healthy and happy life depends on the interaction with other people. Each participant of the Conference-Seminar may deliver reports and take part in debates, roundtable discussions or press conferences. Abstracts of such reports are published in advance. Please, send abstracts of your reports in Russian and in English to the Organizing Committee tillAugust, 1, 2014 to e-mail: The volume of the paper should be up to 5 typewritten pages through 1.5 spaces, type 12.  In accordance with the RF Government Decree № 74 of January 30, 2002 papers published among records of international conferences are made equivalent to published theses of principal scientific results of dissertations and are acknowledged by the RF State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles in the course of their defence (p. 10 of the Decree).

Our leading teachers are widely known among professionals and have no need in additional recommendations. It is important that all of them, academicians and professors, prophylacticians and preventologists, practicing specialists in sobriology and prevention, in cultural studies, in social pedagogy and special psychology, have their high attainments in practical, scientific and teaching activities.

The Organizing Committee reserves its right to correct and expand the program of the Conference-Seminar.

Please, inform the Organizing Committee about your intention to take part in the Conference till September, 1, 2014 and to book rooms. Please, tell us as soon as possible who needs visa support and personal invitations to the Conference. The Organizing Committee asks you to take care of return tickets and medical insurance in advance.

The Conference-Seminar is first of all oriented at: historians; social care teachers and special psychologists; teachers working under methods of Shichko, Burno, Lindeman, Bates, Grinchenko, Orlov, Khudolin, Zaytsev, Karpov; cultural workers; prevention workers; sobriologists; juvenologists; alcologists; gerontologists; narcologists, social workers; teachers; journalists and publicists; activists of anti-drug and sobriety movements; secretaries of committees resisting drug addiction; secretaries of committees for juvenile delinquency; other specialists of centers for the formation of a healthy and sober way of life.

Journalists will be afforded the opportunity to prepare articles, interviews, sketches, reports and etc. for their editions.

Arrival and registration are to be on September 20, 2013 at:

Tourist camp Sevastopol, 62, Simonok St., Sevastopol - 2, Crimea, tel. 8 (10-380-692) 71-80-19; 71-46-45; 71-83-99.

The seminar begins on September 21 at 10.00.

The participants of the International Conference-Seminar will receive certificates of a standard form.

The Program of Cultural Events

During the Conference-Seminar from September 20 to 30 there will be arranged excursion trips to Bakhchisaray, Khersonesos, Yalta, Alupka, Gurzuf, the Ai-Petri mountain as well as sightseeing tours and visits to historical places in Sevastopol etc.

The Program of cultural events during the Conference will include a concert of the singer-songwriter, Assoc. Prof. Mikhail Kozlovsky. A special musical performance will be given by Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Sviridov, a bard, poet and musician. The Autumnal Solstice celebration (on the 23rd of September) will be directed by Professor Vladimir Satsevich with the participation of Sevastopol folklore group.

The following prominent persons are invited to the International Conference in Sevastopol:

Swen-OlofCarlson /Stockholm/, President of the International Organization of Good Templers (IOGT);

Yamson Josef /Ghana/ the Leader of the Temperance Movement of Ghana;

I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada /Moscow/, Doctor of Historical Science, Professor, Academician of the RussianAcademy of Sciences;

K.V. Beregela /Moscow/, historian, postgraduate of the Moscow State University;

A.L. Afanasiev /Tomsk/, PhD in History, Assoc. Prof.;

S.V. Bogdanov /Kursk/, Doctor of Historical Science, Professor at the Chair of History of State and Law of the South-West State University;

A.V. Borodkin /Yaroslavl/ - PhD in History, Assoc. Prof.

V.P. Pashin /Kursk/, Doctor of Historical Science, Head of the Chair of History of State and Law of the Kursk State Technical University;

Natalia Evgenievna Goryushkina /Kursk/, PhD in History, Assoc. Prof. at the Chair of History and Socio-Cultural Service of the Kursk State Technical University;

G.V. Karandashev /Yaroslavl/ - PhD in History, Senior Teacher at the Chair of Russian History of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky;

I.A. Krasnov /S.-Petersburg/, PhD in History, Assoc. Prof.

A.V. Nikolaev /Tolyatti/, PhD in History, Assoc. Prof., Head of the Chair of History and Socio-Cultural Service of the Povolzhsky State Service University;

E.V. Pashkov /Kursk/, PhD in History;

Y.V. Latysh /Kiev/, PhD in History, Assoc. Prof. at the Chair of History for Liberal Arts Departments at the Kiev National University named after T. Shevchenko.

V.V. Rakov Kursk/, PhD in History, Prof. Assoc;

A.M. Mariupolsky /Barnaul/, PhD in History, Assoc. Prof. at the Altay Academy of Economics and Law;

O.G. Bukreeva /Ryazan/, PhD in Pedagogics, Assoc. Prof. at the Chair of Library Science and Record Management of the Ryazan Extramural Institute (Branch) of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts;

Patricia Herlihi /the USA, Professor of History at the Brown University;

M.V. Teplyansky /Ivanovo/, PhD in History, Assoc. Prof. at the Ivanovo State University;

L.A. Molokov /Shadrinsk/, bard, poet, musician;

T.I. Ermakova /N. Novgorod/, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Pro-rector of the Nizhny Novgorod Technical University;

O.N. Moseeva /Omsk/, Teacher;

K. Sperkova, Vice President of IOGT /Slovakia/;

T. Salyuk /Kiev/, member of the Board of IOG;

N.A. Korolkova /Saratov/, Chairman of the Saratov Regional Social Organization of Sobriety and Health;

V.I. Vardugin /Saratov/, Chief Editor of the newspaper Vopreki (Despite);

А. Obroskov /Saint Petersburg/, the Founder and Editor of the newspaper Sober Petrograd;

G. Aitmurzaeva /Bishkek/, Director of the Republican Centre for Health Promotion;

Zh.B. Nazaraliev /Bishkek/, Professor, M.D., Director of the Medical Centre;

P. Abrakham /Bucharest/, Professor, Director of the Romanian National Anti-Drugs Centre;

O.Y. Kisarov /Moscow/, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Pedagogical Society;

А.N. Malyuta /Lvov/, Ph.D., Academician of the Petrov Academy of Science and Arts;

P.V. Tulaev /Moscow/, Doctor of History, Professor.

T.A. Gogoleva /Yakutsk/, Director of the Children’s TV and Radio Academy The North Star;

A.G. Zhilyaev /Moscow/, M.D., Professor, Head of the Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at the Institute of Psychology named after L.S. Vygotsky;

Anna Beily /London/, Postgraduate at the London University College

and many others.

During the Conference-Seminar there will be presented the newspapers Free Country and Vopreki (Despite). There will be held the presentation of new books of Professor A.N. Mayurov, Professor G.K. Zaytsev, Professor A.G. Zaytsev, Assoc. Prof. V.A. Yuferov, Professor N.A. Grinchenko, Professor A.K. Demin and others. The presentation of the sober Nikolaevs Publishing House will be held.



Master Class 1.

Fundamentals of Sobriology. - Victor Pavlovich Krivonogov, Doctor of History, Professor, Academician, Vice-President of the IAS (Krasnoyarsk). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

            Master Class 2.

From the Experience of Work with Children Aged between 6 and 17 under the Program Children Save Parents. - Nikolay Vladimirovich Yanvarsky, Professor (Izhevsk). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.


Master Class 3.
Escape from Dependence on Alcohol and Tobacco by G.A. Shicko’s Method. - Anatoly Nikolaevich Glushchenko, Professor (Moscow). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.


Master Class 4.

Diagnostics of Nicotine Addiction Causes and Methods of Work to Reduce Smoking Habits. - Alexander Arturovich Kucher, PhD in Psychology, Senior Research Worker at the Extremal Psychology Laboratory of the FMBC named after Burnazyan, Assoc Prof. of the Institute of Postgraduate Education,  the FMBC FMBA of Russia (Moscow). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 5.

Keeping Diaries by G.A. Shicko’s Method for Mental Health Resumption. - Tatiana Mikhaylovna Shchurina, Professor (Vilnyus). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 6.

Non-medicinal Health Improvement by Shicko’s Method. - Lyudmila Spiridonovna Grigorieva, Professor (Yakutsk). The charge for Master Class is Euro 20. 

Master Class 7.

The Theory and Practice of the Organization of the Local (Regional) Sobriety Movement and Activities of Club Optimalist. - Victor Mikhaylovich Sviridov, Professor (Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region). The charge for Master Class is Euro 20. 

Master Class 8.

Motivation for Getting Rid of Tabacco-Alcohol and Any Other Kinds of Abuse. - Tatiana Mikhaylovna Shchurina, Professor (Vilnyus). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Мастер-класс 9.

Eye-Sight Correction under the System of Bates-Shichko». Practical work. - Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov, Professor, the President of the International Association of Psychoanalysts, Vice-President of IAS (Moscow). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Мастер-класс 10.

G.A. Shichko Method Teaching for Trainees from Other Cities (under two-three-day program). - Nikolay Vladimirovich Yanvarsky, Professor (Izhevsk). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 11.

Psychophysical Health Improvement System Beloyar. - Victor Albertovich Shchapov (Yaroslavl), Professor, the leader of the Public Association Beloyar. The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class12.

Family Relationship Correction. - Vyacheslav Ivanovich Orekhov, Associate Professor (Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 13.

Russian National Program Decent, Sober, Joyful Life. - Victor Mikhaylovich Sviridov, Professor (Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 14.

The Theory and Practice of Long Active Life by the Method of Shichko-Tolkachev. - Valentin Andreevich Tolkachev, Professor, Academician, Vice-President of IAS (Minsk). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 15.

The Youth’s Health in New Information Society. - Valentin Andreevich Tolkachev Professor, Academician, Vice-President of IAS (Minsk). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 16.

School of Health of Tamara Svet». - Tamara Petrovna Kulkova, Associate Professor, Head of Health School, (Cherepovets). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 17.

Complex Escape from Dependence on Alcohol. - Mikhail Gennadievich Kozlovsky, Associate Professor (Orenburg). The charge for Master Class is Euro 20.

Master Class 18.

A Happy Family. Igor Nikolaevich Afonin, Academician, Vice-President of IAS (Cherepovets). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 19.

Bioenergetic Contact Massage. - Valery Valerievich Kodachenko, trainer in psychology (Alchevsk, Lugansk Region). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25. 

Master Class 20.

The Morning Complex of Improving Gymnastics: Respiratory, Articulate, Static Extensions, «Internal Smile» and Brain Gymnastics. - Tamara Petrovna Kulkova (Cherepovets), Professor, expert in health conserving technologies. The charge for Master Class is Euro 25. 

Master Class 21.

Peculiarities of Getting Rid of Excess Weight and Other Bad Habits. - Sergey Andreevich Arefyev, psychologist, Chairman of the Khakass Branch of the Union of Struggle for National Sobriety (Abakan). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 22.

The Formation of the Healthy and Sober Life-Style: the Role of Applicators for a Human Organism as a Useful Stress Training Aid; the Role of Respiration and the Lack Thereof to Health Improvement. - Nikolay GrigorevichLyapko (Donetsk), the author of the health improving method. The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 23.

Correction of Children-Parents Relations by the Family System Arrangement Method. - Marina Sergeevna Sinelnikova, family psychologist of Medical Centre Health Practice (Moscow). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 24.

Method of G.A. Shichko – V.I. Grinchenko. - Sofia Nikolaevna Varankina,  psychoanalyst (Krasnodar territory) and Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov, Professor (Moscow). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 25.

Love Space. Family and Sobriety. - Nikolay Yakovlevich Motin, Psychologist (Moscow region). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 26.

A Multivariable Person. The Formation of the Healthy and Sober Life-Style. -Nikolay Yakovlevich Motin, psychologist (Moscow Region). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 27.

Conscious Sobriety Psychology. - Petr Ivanovich Gubochkin, PhD in Psychology, correspondent member of the International Academy of Psychology. (Yaroslavl). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25 .

            Master Class 28.

The Revival and Formation of Slavic Generic Sober Culture. - Vladimir Alexandrovich Satsevich (Kobrin, Belarus). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 29.

Memory Development by the Method of Matyugin-Shichko. - Valery Valerievich Kodachenko, psychologist, the Chairman of Public Organization Sober Holy Russia (Alchevsk, Lugansk region). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 30.

The Course of Face, Body and Organism Rejuvenation. - Nadezhda Grigorievna Lukina (Perm) Evgeny Mikhaylovich Malyshev, Professor (Novosibirsk). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class31.

Fundamentals of Sobriology as the Sober Life-Style, Health Culture of Children, Teenagers and Youth. - Sergey Vladimirovich Konovalov, Professor of IAS, Irina Petrovna Konovalova, practicing psychologist (Nizhnekamsk, Tatarstan). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 32.

Principles of the Socially-Significant Project and Program Elaboration. - Sergey Vladimirovich Konovalov, Professor of IAS, Irina Petrovna Konovalova, practicing psychologist (Nizhnekamsk, Tatarstan). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 33.

Psychological Techniques for Behavioural Influence and Control. - Alexander Arturovich Kucher, PhD in Psychology, Senior Research Worker at the Extremal Psychology Laboratory of the FMBC named after Burnazyan, Assoc Prof. of the Institute of Postgraduate Education,  the FMBC FMBA of Russia (Moscow). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 34.

The Author Method of Vertebral Column and Supporting-Motor System Correction. (Alternative Methods of Interdisck Space in Vertebral Column, Correction of Body Posture, Different Types of Scoliosis, Motor Stereotype Change, Asymmetrical Leg Length Correction). - Alexander Arturovich Kucher, PhD in Psychology, Senior Research Worker at the Extremal Psychology Laboratory of the FMBC named after Burnazyan, Assoc Prof. of the Institute of Postgraduate Education,  the FMBC FMBA of Russia (Moscow). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.

Master Class 35.

The Arrangement and Carrying out of Effective Seminars and Courses. - Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov, Professor, Vice-President of IAS (Moscow); Pavel Georgievich Zhdanov, Professor (Vinnitsa region). The charge for Master Class is Euro 25.


During the Conference-Seminar there will be held roundtable discussions on the following topics: The Second and Third Stages in the Russian Temperance Movement as the Second Rise of Sobriety Movement in the Russian Empire (by Assoc.Prof. Alexander Lukyanovich Afanasiev, Tomsk).

Subjects of Reports, Statements, Discussions and Lectures at Plenary Sittings:

  • The Effect of the Prohibition Dry Law on the Current Temperance Movement in CIS and Baltic Countries /V.P. Krivonogov, Professor/
  • The Centenary of the Prohibition Dry Law in Our Native Country /V.G. Zhdanov, Professor /
  • History of the Russian Temperance Movement /V.M. Sviridov, Professor /
  • The Cultural and Enlightening Activities of the Kasimov District Committee for Care of Public Sobriety Oriented at Struggle against Alcohol in Ryazan Province in the Early Twentieth Century /O.G. Bukreeva, Assoc. Prof./
  • History of the USSR Anti-Alcohol Campaign in 1995-97 (based on the CIA information) /S.V. Bogdanov, Professor; V.P. Pashin, Professor/
  • History of the Russian Temperance Movement At The End of the 19th Century – at the Beginning of the 20th Century /A.L. Afanasiev, Assoc. Prof./
  • The Political Aspect of the Temperance Movement in Pre-revolutionary Russia /M.V. Teplyansky, Assoc. Prof./
  • All-Union Council of Anti-Alcohol Societies in the USSR: the Last Stage of Its Existence  /K.V. Beregela, postgraduate of the MSU/
  • History of Sober Education in Russian Schools /A.N. Yakushev, Professor/
  • The Analysis of the Anti-Alcohol Education Conception in Russian Schools /N.V. Druzhinina, Assoc. Prof./
  • Sober Traditions of Elets Area /N.A. Grinchenko, Professor /
  • Alcohol in the Every-day Life Structure of the Upper Volga Population in the 19th Century /Borodkin A.V., Professor /
  • History of Sobriety Movement in Orthodox Environment /Clergyman Grigory Grigoriev, Professor/
  • Sobriety Movement Traditions /V.A. Satsevich, public man/
  • Novelties in Scientific-Research Approaches to System Prevention of Abuse: Peculiarities of Tackling a Problem and Solving Thereof, New Aids of Definitive Diagnostics, Therapy and Health Monitoring /A.G. Zhilyaev, Professor/
  • Temperance Movement in the Russian Empire in 1850-1917: Problem of Comprehension /A.B. Nikolaev, Professor /
  • Activities of the Anti-Alcohol and Anti-Smoking Society Vozrohdenie (Revival) (1909–1939) /Ya.V. Stasiv, Historian/
  • Public Health Care or  Vodka Protection?/ Anna Beily, Postgraduate /
    • Why Do the Russians Die Out and How May This Process Be Stopped? The Role of the RF State Education System Therein /N.V. Druzhinina, PhD in Technology/
    • AYURVEDA in History of Holy Knowledge of Health /P.V. Tulaev, Professor /

Arrangement fee: For representatives of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, the fee is Euro 45 in any currency at the current rate of exchange. For representatives of Moldova, countries of Transcaucasia and Central Asia, the fee is Euro 30. For representatives of Ukraine the fee is Euro 10. For other countries, the fee is Euro 85. A 10% discount is provided for members of the International Academy of Sobriety, for students, postgraduates, schoolchildren, retirees and those who received training courses by G.A. Shichko’s method. The arrangement fee may be paid only in cash at the arrival to the Conference-Seminar in Sevastopol

Room category

Cost of accommodation in double room (without meals), persons/days

Cost of accommodation in single room (without meals), persons/days


200 hryvna (20 Euro)

320 hryvna (32 Euro)


160 hryvna (16 Euro)

255 hryvna (25.5 Euro)


140 hryvna (14 Euro)

225 hryvna (22.5 Euro)

Leningrad cottage

80 hryvna (8 Euro)


Extra fee for the south part of building №3 (floors 6 and 7) will amount 5 hryvna (0.5 Euro) per day. The cost of meals (without accommodation) will amount 100 hryvna (10 Euro) per day.

Details for non-cash payment for accommodation and meals in a boarding house: 

Payee: Tourist camp Sevastopol Acc. 260010280801, MFO 384812,

Sevastopol Branch of Finance and Credit LLC, Sevastopol.

The address of the Organizing Committee: 91 - 135, Belinsky St., Nizhny Novgorod, 603024 fax/tel. + 7 (831) - 421-13-21, mob. tel. 8-920-016-72-40. E-mail: Refer for details to site of the,

The address of the Conference-Seminar venue:

Tourist camp Sevastopol, 68, Simonok St., Sevastopol-2, Crimea, 99002

tel. 8 (10-380-692) 71-80-19; 71-46-45; 71-83-99.

The arrival to the Seminar is on September 20, 2014. The departure is on September 30.

The way from the Sevastopol railway station: by trolley buses № 9, 7 or 3 to Artbukhta (Artillery Bay), then go on foot for 3-5 minutes, then take the motor ship up to Radio-Gorka, then you need 7-10 minutes to reach the Tourist Camp Sevastopol (do not mix it with the Mokrousov Tourist Camp and Hotel Sevastopol).

One may go from the airport of Simferopol to the Tourist Camp Sevastopol by taxi. It will cost about 400 hryvna or 40 Euro.

The Organizing Committee consists of:

Alexander Nikolaevich Маyurov, Professor, Academician, the President of the International Academy of Sobriety 7(831) 421-13-21 or 8-920-016-72-40: professional program, debates, the compilation and editing of collected papers, the publication of materials, the general management (the Chairman of the Organizing Committee).

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov, Professor, the Chairman of the Union of Struggle for National Sobriety 8-916-166-21-92: the methodological and information support of the Conference-Seminar (the Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee).

Boris Ivanovich Iskakov, Professor, Academician, the President of the International Slavic Academy 8(495) 334-75-94: thescientific support of the Conference-Seminar (the Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee).

Konstantin Bikhaylovich Sviridov, Associate Professor, +38 050 656 97 00 - the information support of the Conference-Seminar (a member of the Organizing Committee).

Victor Pavlovich Krivonogov, Professor, the Vice-President of the International Academy of Sobriety 8(3912) 33-58-43: the information support of the Conference-Seminar (a member of the Organizing Committee).

Nadezhda Petrovna Burmaka, Professor, the Vice-President of the International Academy of Sobriety +380 472 63 25 28 or +380 472 63 16 16 - the visa support (a member of the Organizing Committee).

The Secretariat of the Conference-Seminar:

Victor Albertovich Shchapov, Professor, 8-910-976-05-14: the technical and organizational support of the Secretariat.

Pavel Alexandrovich Gornov, Associate Professor, 8-910-397-82-82: tourism, photographing and excursions, the registration of participants.

Tatiana Mikhaylovna Shchurina, Professor, 8-6174-36-27 or 8-5260-51-01: cultural events, the registration of participants, translation and interpreting services.

Darius Baublis, 3-706-861-23-45: the electronic provision of the Conference, video filming, the registration of participants, the compilation and sending of lists to the Conference participants, printing of documents.

Varnas Neriyus, 3-706-861-11-46:  the provision of transport facilities, the registration of participants.

Valery Valerievich Kodachenko, +38-095-169-61-24 or +38-063-261-96-34: the registration of participants, the organizational and technical support, the communication with the local administration.


The Conference-Seminar Days Schedule

                                        (September 23 through 28, 2014)

08.00 - 9.00


09.00 - 13.00

Morning Master Classes

13.00 -14.00


14.00 - 18.00

Day-time Master Classes




Evening Master Classes


Cultural events, roundtable discussions, presentations

On September 20 – the arrival of Participants of the Conference-Seminar; on September 21, 22 and 29, 2013 plenary sessions of the XXIII Conference-Seminar will take place from 9.00 to 18.00.

Information support

Magazines: Culture of Healthy Life, Sober Word, Sobriety and Culture.

Newspapers: Comrade, When Not Too Late, Free Country, Despite, Sober Petrograd, Sober League, Sober World, Optimalist +, Spring of Sobriety, Sober Russia, Optimalist, Ozersk Optimalist, Sober Herald.





Full name………………………………………………………………..

Date of birth………………………………………………………




 E-mail ……………………………………………………………….

Organization (post) …….……………………………………



Have you ever taken courses by G.A. Shicko’s method?                yes    no

Do you need a room in the boarding house?                                       yes    no

I would like to take part in Master Classes (encircle the number; you may take part in not more than 5 Master Classes):

1,  2,  3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,   10,   11,   12,   13,  14,  15,  16,  17,  18,  19,  20,  21,  22,  23,  24,  25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

I would like to make a report on the topic………………………………….



Date……………………………… Signature……………………….

Please, send Application Forms to the address of the Organizing Committee:

91 – 135, Belinsky St., Nizhny Novgorod 603024

tel./ fax:  (831) 421-13-21; 8-920-016-72-40
